The PCQ launches its campaign: “We are the change!” launches Eric Duhaime

Even if the election campaign has not yet officially started, the leader of the Conservative Party of Quebec (PCQ), Éric Duhaime, launched his campaign on Sunday in Quebec. It was also an opportunity to unveil the bus in which he will travel the province until October 3.

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“We are at a major turning point in politics in Quebec, and we are the change!”, launched Éric Duhaime in front of a crowd of a few hundred people at the Capital Helicopter Complex, in the county of La Peltrie.

In a speech that was applauded many times by the activists who were there, the leader of the PCQ recalled the five major issues on which he intends to campaign, unveiled last week during the presentation of the platform party election.

While the absence of several major themes, such as language and immigration, has raised questions over the past few days, Éric Duhaime argued in his speech that “it is useless to make dozens of promises” .

“Wanting to do everything, we scatter and achieve nothing (…). We have therefore extracted from our program the proposals that stick most to the reality of Quebecers, ”he said.

After listing his main commitments, including reducing the tax burden on Quebecers and overhauling the health care system from top to bottom, the Conservative leader took advantage of his speech to remind his activists of the party’s journey since his arrival as chief, about 18 months ago.

“At the beginning of 2021, we had 500 members, we had collected 1.8% in the 2018 election and hardly anyone in Quebec knew that we existed (…)”, he said. , before adding that the party now has 60,000 members.

Éric Duhaime concluded his speech by launching a call for mobilization.

“We can’t miss this chance to change Quebec,” he said.

The PCQ of Mr. Duhaime, which has never had a member elected in Quebec, will try to make an electoral breakthrough on October 3. MP Claire Samson nevertheless became the party’s first representative in the National Assembly in June 2021, after being excluded from the CAQ.

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