The PCF presidential candidate with an open heart about his daughter’s cancer

Fabien Roussel is very close to his family. In a recent interview for the magazine Gala, Dorothée, his companion, confirmed it. ” He is a great listener to each of the five children in our blended family, aged 21 to 27. “, affirmed the latter before adding: “ I know he was “ultra-present when her eldest daughter was diagnosed with cancer, Burkitt’s lymphoma, at the age of 9. He lived next to the University Hospital of Lille, accompanied her step by step in her treatment for years until her remission and believed in science. Touching revelations. For his part, Olivier Marchais, best friend of Fabien Roussel, still remembers this terrible ordeal. ” I still remember when he told me. I was on my way to a New Year’s Eve. He was very determined and combative. He was very strong. Modest, he never poured out. »

Marked by this difficult period, the PCF presidential candidate constantly reminds us that it is important to enjoy life. Proud of his roots, the deputy never hesitates to speak in the language of the North while advancing in politics. Far from being carried away by the euphoria of power, Fabien Roussel is trying to keep his feet on the ground. He also has fun bouncing back on certain remarks made about his personality and still can’t believe that someone told him one day that he had ” the same voice as Bruce Willis in the French version of his films “. Relaxed, the rival of Emmanuel Macron assumes his faults. ” I hate numbers. I’m a member of the Finance Committee who struggles with numbers. But it forces me to be very strict “, he confided to Gala recently. A candidate like no other who is even considered the ” right-wing favorite communist “. Anyway, for now. ” In his program, there is the increase in wages and the abolition of the ISF. When it’s in place, people with money might like it less ! “, specifies Olivier Marchais in the columns of our colleagues.

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