The passbook A rate will drop from 0.5 to 1% on February 1, announces Bruno Le Maire

The Minister of Economy and Finance followed the recommendations of the Banque de France.

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The Livret A rate will double on February 1. The Minister of Economy and Finance, Bruno Le Maire, announced on Friday January 14 on TF1 that this rate would drop from 0.5% to 1%. This is a first for ten years. This announcement complies with the recommendations of the Banque de France. The Banque de France has taken into account the sharp rise in inflation over the past six months.

Bruno Le Maire also confirmed the increase in the popular savings account (LEP) to 2.2%, against 1% today, recalling that “all French people earning less than 20,000 euros per year have the right” to this booklet “better protects against inflation”. The rise in prices reached 2.8% year on year in December.

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