This communication agency is partly owned by Axel Loustau and by Frédéric Chatillon who are former members of Gud, the far-right student organization known for its violence, recalls France Inter.
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The communication agency providing the National Rally, e-Politic, partly owned by two controversial personalities and close to the RN, will continue to work for the party during the next European campaign, reveals Thursday, June 8 exclusively France Inter.
The communication agency is in fact 15% owned by Axel Loustau and 30% by Frédéric Chatillon. The first is a former militant of Gud (Groupe Union Défense, an extreme right-wing student organization known for its violence). He was present during the parade of the ultra-right on May 6 in Paris, which had caused controversy. The second, former president of Gud, another close to the RN, supported this Parisian mobilization.
This controversial Parisian mobilization had also forced Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly, and Jordan Bardella, to speak and distance themselves. Jordan Bardella had also declared that“a certain number of missions entrusted to e-Politic” were going to be “re-internalized” within the party. Jordan Bardella also said at the end of May on franceinfo that Axel Loustau “sold its shares”.
“With e-Politic, there was never any question of separating”
But the RN is in debt and “to reinternalize missions, you have to hire”, explains to France Inter a party executive who therefore relies on the financial difficulties of the RN to justify this choice. According to a very close friend of Jordan Bardella, president of the RN, contacted by France Inter, “with e-Politic, there was never any question of separating, we will work with them for the next campaign”. Among the reasons justifying this choice, the “professionalism of the company”there “very good performance of its video productions or its graphic content”.
Also contacted by France Inter, a member of the National Rally confides that “boxes of this level who agree to work with us, it does not run the streets”. Another elected official further asserts: “In any case, we have not received any real instructions in this regard. […] Otherwise, e-Politic would not continue to work, as it still does today, with deputies in the Assembly”.