the party was spoiled by clashes at the exit of the stadium, 15 slightly injured

After a crazy evening and a victory for AC Ajaccio over Strasbourg 4 goals to 2, the party was spoiled by clashes this Saturday November 5 near the François Coty stadium. According to the club and the supporters present, the police brought the Strasbourg residents out of their pen immediately after the match. A decision all the more misunderstood as the Strasbourg supporters’ plane was to take off at 11 p.m.

“The CRS bombarded us with tear gas”, testifies Sophie, taking refuge in a bakery on the old road to Sartène, surrounded by children and the elderly. Everyone is wondering about the decision to send the Strasbourg supporters out at the final whistle. “Usually they get visitors out long after”, she points out. Same story on the side of the ACA, which should communicate this Sunday, November 6 on these incidents.

According to the emergency services, 8 Strasbourg supporters were “very slightly injured”, including one in the face. The prefecture reports 7 wounded on the side of the gendarmes and police, without commenting on the emerging controversy around the maintenance of order. Fifteen cars were also damaged.

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