“The party starts again” with Marc Jolivet

Comedian, actor, director… But also a little singer!

Marc Jolivet is back with a new musical show. A show rich in serotonin, the happiness hormone!

He is the coach of the new – or the new – president, who calls him every evening, he dialogues with his (too) smart car, he comments on local and international news, he no longer celebrates the Césars, but the Brutus, he implacably demonstrates death of the second degree.
He sings, he dances, he raves, the world changes, not him!

Marc pays tribute to Guy Bedos with excerpts from his most famous sketches and a press review, revisited in his own way.

His secret to last: “not to ask questions” and especially that “the party starts again”: this is the title of his new show which will stop on June 17 & 18 at the Salle Gaveau in Paris before landing in Avignon… the time of the festival.

To reserve your places it’s here!

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