The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on these screenings, according to Public Health France.
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Public Health France is sounding the alarm. Screening rates for breast cancer and colorectal cancer remain insufficient in France, according to two studies published on Tuesday July 11. While the numbers were already low, the Covid-19 pandemic failed to stem this drop in turnout.
Breast cancer in particular is the focus of concern. It is the most common and deadliest cancer in women and less than one in two had a screening mammogram last year. However, every French woman aged between 50 and 74 is offered this X-ray every two years as well as a clinical examination. The National Public Health Agency recalls that France “struggling to achieve the European objective” which is at least 70% participation in screening.
Another form of cancer is targeted by Public Health France: colorectal cancer. It is the second leading cause of cancer death in France. It is screened by detection of occult blood in the stool, a screening offered every two years to French people aged 50 to 74. Since the generalization of the program in 2008, the participation rate has not varied and remains “low, around 32%”, reveals a study of the organization. Removing a screening kit has however become less restrictive: whereas, before last year, you had to go to your GP, it is now possible to obtain one in a pharmacy and by delivery, after an online order.