The Parti Québécois “is not a dying party”

At the orientation congress on Saturday, the Parti Québécois tried at all costs to extricate itself from allusions to his announced death. “This is not a dying party,” repeated the new president of the national executive, Jocelyn Caron.

More than 400 activists – some by videoconference – opened the pre-election rally of René Lévesque’s party, which was held in Trois-Rivières over a single day. The head of the political formation, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, presented himself there “feverish”, with his seven deputies.

“This is the energy congress”, not the one at the end, he launched into the press, a few minutes before going through the doors of the conference room where the members had gathered, to their first face-to-face meeting of the “PSPP” mandate.

This week, he maintained in an interview with Le Devoir that the party was doing well. The debt has been paid off, he noted.

“Would a dying party have $ 0.00 in debt?” », Asked the new president of the national executive council of the PQ, Jocelyn Caron, during his speech in front of the militants in the morning.

“Would a dying party recruit highly recognized candidates like those of Pierre Nantel?” », He continued. The former federal deputy has officially embarked on the nomination contest to participate in the by-election in Marie-Victorin next year.

Since its thaw in the 2018 elections, the PQ has been losing its feathers in the polls. It recently ranked third in voting intentions, tied with Québec solidaire at 13%.

“Let’s change the future”

The PQ has adopted the theme “let’s change the future” for its congress. It will also change its brand image and propose an anti-multiculturalist model of independence.

” We [va faire] choices which are decisive for a campaign which will be decisive, strategic, ”Paul St-Pierre Plamondon launched to the activists on Saturday, not hiding his gaze on the general elections of 2022.

Activists will vote this weekend on a multitude of proposals relating to independence, the environment, the French language, immigration and more. The party will use these positions to develop its election platform.

On Saturday, from the start of the militant rally, “PSPP” and the youth of the party fought over a proposal to ensure free education “from primary to university”.

“I find it hard to imagine that we could pay university to a family earning $ 500,000 a year. From there to paying for free for even those who are very, very well off, I find that it raises real questions ”, indicated Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon when called to comment on the proposal of the National Youth Committee (CNJPQ).

Youth president Marie-Laurence Desgagné maintained that her position “is not irreconcilable” with that of the leader. “What we want is to gradually achieve free education. Our goal is not necessarily to get there overnight, ”she said.

The PQ congress is the last political congress of the season. The other four parties represented in the National Assembly have met in recent weeks.

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