The Parliament definitively adopts the law for “confidence in justice”, which notably provides for the possibility of filming the trials

The text compromise reached by deputies and senators also contains controversial provisions on solicitor-client privilege.

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The Parliament adopted definitively Thursday, November 18, by a final vote of the Senate, the bill to restore confidence in the justice of the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti. The text, which provides in particular for the possibility of filming the trials, was voted in the Luxembourg Palace by 235 votes for and 94 votes against. It was adopted Tuesday by the National Assembly.

The compromise text reached by deputies and senators thus enshrines the professional secrecy of lawyers in their defense activity, but provides for a framework for them in their advisory activity. In addition to terrorism, exceptions are thus provided for in matters of tax fraud and corruption. A provision which angered the profession, which again expressed its opposition on Wednesday before the Senate.

Completed by an organic component, the text also provides for the abolition of credits for the reduction of automatic sentences, a reform of the work of prisoners and replaces reminders of the law by a “probative penal warning”.

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