the Parisian procession gathered between 18,000 and 50,000 people

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3:48 p.m. : Here are some images of the demonstration against sexist and sexual violence, which continues in Paris at the call of the feminist collective #NousToutes. The procession, starting from the Place de la République, heads towards Nation.

2:54 p.m. : On franceinfo, Marylie Breuil, member of the feminist collective #NousToutes, believes that public policies aimed at combating violence against women “are totally out of step with reality” gender-based and sexual violence. These are “only communication strategies”, she criticizes.

A feminist march initiated by the Nous tous collective on June 25, 2021 (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)


2:30 p.m. : Demonstrations to say “stop” to sexist and sexual violence are also starting in Reims, Rouen, Chartres, Le Mans and Limoges. In total, nearly 60 events are planned today and the next few days, specifies the collective #NousToutes.




2:24 p.m. : The demonstration called for by the feminist collective #NousToutes to say “stop” to gender-based and sexual violence begins at Place de la République in Paris, report several journalists on the spot. Follow our live.

2:57 p.m. : 2 pm, let’s take a look at the news:

• The feminist collective #NousToutes, with some sixty associations, unions and political parties, calls for demonstrations this afternoon to say “stop” to gender-based and sexual violence and “demand public policies to match”. Demonstrations begin in Paris and in several other cities. Follow our live.

Prime Minister Jean Castex presented the “Destination France” plan to revive tourism in the country. The government particularly wishes to facilitate the50,000 young people between the ages of 18 and 25 leave on vacation, as well as 100,000 seniors per year until 2025 “, he announced.

• The State has decided to establish a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. in Guadeloupe, due to the “ongoing social movements and acts of vandalism” originating in the mobilization against the health pass, specifies the prefecture.

• Police fire left several injured yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands), during a demonstration against partial containment measures.

12:05 : Noon, let’s take a look at the news of the day:

• The State has decided to establish a curfew from 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. in Guadeloupe, due to the “ongoing social movements and acts of vandalism” originating in the mobilization against the health pass, specifies the prefecture.

• The feminist collective #NousToutes, with some sixty associations, unions and political parties, calls for demonstrations to say “stop” to gender-based and sexual violence, and “demand public policies to match”. Demonstrations are expected from 2 p.m. in Paris and in several other cities.

• Police fire left several injured yesterday in Rotterdam (Netherlands), during a demonstration against partial containment measures.

• Jean Castex is traveling to Indre-et-Loire today, to present a plan to revive the tourism sector in France, which has been severely affected by the Covid-19 epidemic. Follow our live.

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