the Parisian demonstration on Thursday not authorized by the police headquarters for lack of having been declared in time

Dunce cap for teachers’ unions. The Parisian demonstration of several of them, scheduled for Thursday January 20 to ask “strong answers” facing “chaos” generated by the health crisis, was not authorized by the Paris police headquarters, the request having been made “out of time”, reports the latter.

The unions FSU, CGT Educ’action, FO and SUD Education, as well as the FCPE, the first organization of parents of pupils, and the high school student movements FIDL, MNL and La Voix lycéenne had called for “continue mobilization” after the very well-attended strike last Thursday, by committing “in a new day of action Thursday, including by the strike”.

“Not content with remaining deaf to the anger and demands of the National Education staff, the government, through its representative, denies them the right to express it by demonstrating in Paris”, regrets the CGT in a press release, after the decision of the police headquarters. The union judges this decision of the prefect of police “unacceptable” and say “demand that the constitutional right to demonstrate be respected”.

“After a successful demonstration on January 13, the police prefecture banned the expression of staff demands following the announcements made by the Prime Minister (…) The FSU strongly protests and demands that the ban on demonstrations be lifting”, also asked this union in another press release. Faced with this ban on demonstrations, the FO union says “now[ir] [son] wish to gather in front of the Ministry of Education, that same day, Thursday”. A graceful appeal was sent by the unions.

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