the Paris prosecutor’s office opens an investigation after the cross complaints of the president and her former right-hand man

The dispute between the president of the CNOSF, Brigitte Henriques, and its former secretary general Didier Seminet is now in the hands of justice.

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Brigitte Henriques, president of the National Olympic Committee, in 2021, at the house of French sport.  (GADOFFRE ALAIN / KMSP / AFP)

Justice takes a close interest behind the scenes of the French Olympic Committee (CNOSF). The Paris prosecutor’s office has decided to open an investigation after the cross complaints of its president and its former secretary general, franceinfo learned on Friday March 31.

Brigitte Henriques, the boss of the CNOSF, filed a complaint last September for harassment at work. She accused her former right-hand man, Didier Seminet, of “toxic behavior” against him. He had responded by filing a complaint in early November for slanderous denunciation, illegal taking of interest and breach of trust. He then believed that he had lived “a veritable media lynching”.

An audit requested from the IOC

The CNOSF has been in the grip of a deep crisis for more than a year, because of this conflict between the president and her former right-hand man, dismissed from office on September 12. On his side, Brigitte Henriques had been retired for two months, at the end of 2022. She had also reimbursed some 4,000 euros in expenses, before resuming her duties in mid-December.

Tuesday, while the French Olympic Committee celebrated its 50th anniversary, the institution was still unable to show unity. Its president announced that she had asked the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to carry out an audit in an attempt to “stop” to the cabal of which she considers herself a victim.

It is now up to the courts to investigate and decide on this conflict which is plaguing the institution, 16 months from the Paris 2024 Olympics. The investigations have been entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against persons (BRDP) .

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