the Paris police prefecture bans the planned rally in Place de la République on Saturday

A first march, planned in the Val d’Oise, had already been banned yesterday. The Paris prefecture specifies that the delay was not sufficient “to mobilize the necessary personnel”.



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Assa Traoré, the sister of Adama Traoré, speaks during a rally on June 29, 2023 in memory of Nahel, killed by a policeman in Nanterre.  (ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

The Paris police prefect also prohibits a rally dedicated to Adama Traoré, Place de la République in Paris, franceinfo learned on Saturday July 8 from the Paris police headquarters, confirming information from BFMTV. Contacted by franceinfo, the “The truth for Adama” committee does not intend to file an appeal against this decision.

>> LIVE. Death of Nahel: several marches of “mourning and anger” against police violence organized in France

The day before, Thursday evening, justice had given reason to the prefect of Val-d’Oise, who had already banned the demonstration and the gatherings in tribute to Adama Traoré, “in view of the violence that has occurred in the past days and in the face of the risk of excesses and disturbances to public order that the event may cause”. The co-organizer of this gathering, Assa Traoré, sister of Adama Traoré who died during an arrest in 2016, then announced on Friday July 7 on social networks that she would demonstrate in tribute to her brother on Saturday at 3 p.m. of the Republic, in Paris.

An announcement too late “to mobilize the necessary staff”

The decree was published in the middle of the morning. The prefect of police of Paris, Laurent Nuñez, first explains that the announcement of the rally was too late for “mobilize the personnel and the means necessary to secure the gathering”it does not meet the deadline for “three clear days”.

The prefect also considers that this demonstration in Paris is “likely to attract radical elements with a view to committing acts of violence”. “The reasons that led the prefect of Val-d’Oise to ban the gathering (…) in Persan and Beaumont-sur-Oise” are also valid for this gathering in the capital, judges the prefecture further.

Two other rallies are planned at the Place de la République in Paris on Saturday afternoon July 8: a rally organized by the Association France Palestine Solidarité and Ensemble pour la Palestine! and another by the Union of Ukrainians of France. “The concomitance of these gatherings in this same square would make the intervention particularly complicated, perilous and dangerous” of the forces of order, specifies the decree.

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