the Paris police chief bans demonstrations in the capital from Friday

The movement, inspired by Canada, left several cities on Wednesday morning. After Paris, the demonstrators plan to go to Brussels.

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No gathering in the capital. The prefect of police of Paris issued, Thursday, February 10, an order prohibiting the “undeclared event” scheduled for the arrival on Friday of the “freedom convoy”, inspired by a movement launched in Canada to protest against the health restrictions in force against Covid-19. Several convoys left Wednesday from Nice, Bayonne and Perpignan. They plan to reach Paris on Friday evening and some then call to join Brussels for a “European convergence” scheduled for Monday.

In a press release, the prefect of police invokes “the risks of disturbances to public order that this gathering could cause”because “the stated objective would be to block the capital by hindering road traffic in the streets of Paris”. “A specific device will be put in place (…) to prevent the blocking of roads, verbalize and challenge violators of this ban”, specifies the police headquarters.

The prefect of police, who gave “firmness instructions” to the police, recalls that obstructing traffic is punishable by two years’ imprisonment, a fine of 4,500 euros, the immobilization and impoundment of the vehicle, the reduction by half of the maximum number of points for the driving license and its suspension for a maximum of three years.

“The organizer of a prohibited demonstration can be punished by six months’ imprisonment and a fine of 7,500 euros and the participants will be fined with a fourth class fine”, or 135 euros, adds the prefecture.

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