the Paris Court of Appeal orders the temporary detention of the comedian

Victim of a stroke on Saturday, the actor is currently hospitalized in the neurology department of the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital.

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The Paris Court of Appeal ordered, Monday, February 27, the provisional detention of Pierre Palmade with a warrant of committal. Ten days earlier, the 54-year-old actor had been indicted forare counts of “manslaughter and involuntary injuries” with aggravating circumstances, after the accident he caused February 10 under the influence of cocaine. The collision left three seriously injured, including a pregnant woman who lost an unborn child. “Implementation [du mandat de dépôt] now falls under the jurisdiction of the public prosecutor at the judicial court of Melun”says the court’s decision.

Pierre Palmade was previously under house arrest in a hospital in Val-de-Marne. Victim of a cerebrovascular accident (CVA) on Saturday, the comedian was hospitalized in the neurology department of the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital. His electronic bracelet has been removed and he is now under police surveillance.

Pierre Palmade is also concerned by two other investigations, opened for “violation of the legislation on narcotics” and for possession of child pornography images. He was reported to law enforcement in the days following his accident.

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