the Paris Court of Appeal has just rendered a verdict that changes everything!

This Monday, February 27, 2023, the Paris Court of Appeal decided to place Pierre Palmade in pre-trial detention with a warrant following the terrible accident that the 54-year-old comedian caused on a departmental road in Seine-et- Marne on February 10. An accident that claimed three other victims, including a pregnant woman who lost her baby, a 6-year-old child and a man in his thirties.

Tested positive for cocaine at the time of the events, Muriel Robin’s sidekick “recognized “, according to the prosecution, having consumed synthetic drugs before driving, reports the site Under electronic bracelet since February 17, 2023 in the addictology department of a hospital in Villejuif, the relatives of the driver still in a coma had called “at a rally in front of the Court of Appeal this Friday, February 24, in order to support the request for the detention of the actor”according to our colleagues from RTL.

See also:

Relatives of the victims in shock

At the end, the victim’s brother had confided that he no longer recognized Yuksel. “He’s not moving anymore, I don’t even recognize him under all his bandages. My brother was smiling, full of energy, but after the seven operations already undergone, in what state can I hope to find him?”. And to continue: “The doctors tell me there is always a risk that he dies in the hospital, so as soon as they come to talk to me, I tremble, I can’t live with this fear anymore.” Angry, the latter demanded that Pierre Palmade be imprisoned. “The real prison is behind bars. Pierre Palmade killed a child and maybe my brother. I would just like people to hear my suffering”.

As a reminder, the comedian would have assured his sister to have “shame” and would count “assume all the consequences of his actions”. “The idea of ​​having destroyed the life of this family devastates him. He prays, and we with him, that they come out of this with the least possible consequences. He prays. He really prays. He only thinks to them. He will assume all the consequences of his acts with the terrible awareness that he will never be able to repair the evil he has done. As vain as it may seem, Peter asks their forgiveness from the depths of his soul”.


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