the parents of Quentin Ruot, drowned in Teich 4 years ago, are still awaiting a trial

They are still awaiting a trial. Four years after the death of their son, Laurence and Henri Ruot hope for the judgment of those responsible for the death of their son.

On July 2, 2018, Quentin, a 23-year-old epileptic boy, drowned in a body of water in Teich. Disabled since the age of 9 and a good swimmer, he could not swim without supervision.

Quentin’s parents denounce the disorganization of the IME of Talence and the lack of supervision of educators present at the time of the tragedy. The IME was aware that the young man required constant supervision when bathing.

Henri Ruot: “For 4 years, we died with Quentin”

“I am still devastated and angry, confides Henri Ruot. For me, the director, the deputy director and the 5 people supervising this outing sent my son to death. They gave Quentin permission to go bathe. He went there because he knew someone would watch him. No one did and the unthinkable happened. For 4 years, we died with him but we try to survive.”

For its part, the institute of motor education of Talence has always rejected any responsibility in this dramaensuring that the output was framed under normal conditions.

Since four years, three people have been charged. The Talence IME, as well as two educators. In June 2021, the investigating judge issued a notice of end of information. But still no trial in sight.

Obvious faults brought to light

“In this case, there are manifest faults which have been brought to light, explains Me Benoit Ducos-Ader. In the organization and in the supervision. We are quickly awaiting a decision from the investigating judge, either she returns the three people indicted, or she has a lead she hadn’t thought of and neither do we. But we will surely not have a trial before the end of the year.”

This expectation experiences Laurence and Henri Ruot: “We are very angry, expresses Laurence Ruot. This expectation is unbearable, we have the impression that there is a lack of consideration for what we are experiencing.”

The couple’s lawyers will again ask the investigating judge to issue an order to close the file and have a trial.

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