The parents of a girl file a complaint for sexual assault in a school in Creuse

The facts would have occurred in a school in the west of the Creuse. On September 20, when her parents questioned her about the content of her day, a 7-year-old girl said thatanother student allegedly touched his private parts in the toilet. Parents react immediately and alert the school administration by writing a note on the liaison notebook.

But ten days later, the little girl described new touches, from the same student. Parents then ask the teaching staff for explanations: “We had a meeting with the principal and the teacher. They said there would be increased supervision of this child to prevent such acts from happening again. But in the end, it happened again, explains the father of the girl. For me, they shouldn’t have taken it seriously. “

A meeting with the academy inspector

When his daughter reports a third touching, the father decides to file a complaint on October 18 for sexual assault. During the All Saints holidays, he is also received by the inspector of the academy who suggests that he change her daughter’s establishment or home school her. “It is unacceptable, he protests. My child is in this school, and she will stay in this school. It’s not for me to kidnap my child and take him to another school 25 kilometers away“.

For his lawyer, the National Education has its share of responsibility in this case: “what is shocking is the immobility of the inspection of the academy, she breathes. If she had given a satisfactory answer, my client would not have had to alert the police.. “For his part, Dominique Terrien, the Academic Director of the National Education Services (DASEN), ensures that the inspection”follow this case closely“. And to add:”Since we are aware, the facts did not happen again“.

In the meantime, the little girl is still registered in the establishment alongside her alleged abuser. A situation that disturbs her a lot. : today she refuses to go to the toilet if she is not accompanied.

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