For fun, again!
Parentis revisited, in an indoor arena which could be an exemplary example for many, has partially succeeded in its reconquest. Good entry for the opening and beautiful relevant novillada as to its behavior of the toros of Pagès-Mailhan, with a large novillo, despite a random presentation, a significant detail that will have to be corrected for the next editions. Horns lacking continuity but with a good number of undeniable load qualities even if shortened. Jose Rojo missed it, his means knew it were limited. Solalito cut off an ear without convincing and giving the impression of walking a teenage melancholy on the ruedo. And Christian Parejo, who could have cut off three appendages if he had killed his ultimate novillo, proceeded in his own way, that is to say as a major novillero already. The Béziers chiclanero is in constant progress, it shows, he pays for himself on this desire and this talent which illuminate his toreo. We will therefore say that the reopening of Sent Bertomiou has brought enthusiasm and bullfighting to the ruedo du Born as we had not seen since the distant performances of the late Manolo Vanegas. The light is beautiful in this redesigned cosso, the atmosphere was also good, the public good-natured so as not to forget that Fiesta Brava is also a party.
What to aim for.
Sunday, invitation made to the novillos of Valdefresno of the Fraile clan of Salamanca, of the Lisardo Sanchez but mainly inspired by Atanasio Fernandez for what came out on the track. Nice diverse race, we went up a big notch in presentation to finish with two robust novillostoros. In the spans, the almost full, unseen for ages. Two first toros with very damaged horns, on the whole, tamanio, the frame, the breed, for the rest, except for the third very bad, the possibility in requirement, the spice in the possible. Alas, once again a badly pitted lot despite the cattle’s willingness to go on horseback. Three eager novilleros sent for a convincing and sustained novillada. Jose Fernando Molina, who takes the alternative home at the next Feria de Albacete, reports on his quality bullfighting even if he can be blamed for a bit of guilty indolence in his first novillo. An ear to the fourth following among other things a dazzling sword. Yon Lamothe torée nicely from the right, the matter becomes more complicated on the left, offers beautiful sequences and takes time to kill. Then in the fifth Valdefresno, the landais of Tartas and Roquefort together, sends a serious faena against an equally serious novillo. The swarthy is well treated beforehand by the mounted brigade in this case Albertito Sandoval. The Fraile is noble, the faena results just, hemmed, in the right tempo. The dossier “va a mas”, the mostly right-handed affair with depth and good taste and transmission. It connects, on the track, it throbs on the shelves. Three quarters of Toledo steel ad hoc, conclusive thrust. Toro fallen, two white handkerchiefs flower the palco chaired by the Roquefortois Pierre Noguès. The people are happy and sing. The Gascon who tore walks smiling. Jorge Martinez is triquard. In this race which offers charging opportunities, he touches the rouzigon of the day. Rouzigon who agrees between Marsillargues, Aigues-Mortes and Cailar to designate a toro who freezes and does not move forward. Headbutts and load reduced to a bare minimum. Martinez has recourse. The native of Murcia, beaten by former matador Ruiz Manuel, director of the bullfighting school in Almeria, has heart and knowledge. We had seen it among other places in Mugron for the return of the Easter bells. At the last he barely misses crashing against the boards and the estribo, sent in the air by a solid animal, a blow to get him crossed, novillo-toro of strong character. Prior to this, Martinez had embroidered a small cape recital of exquisite finesse and hussar engagement. Authority in gentleness and slowness. This fiery kid should have a future. Bruised, pale, in panache, he returns to kill by committing himself as if he were giving up his young soul. An ear for everything, passion, beautiful bullfighting and willpower.
– pap
Curtain comrades!
The renovated, reconstructed arena is therefore beautiful and has a welcoming and festive atmosphere. Like a misty dream Parentis woke up to reconnect with the happiness of seeing bullfighters. This new place is full of beautiful lights and joyful living. Parentis therefore inscribes its bullfighting trajectory in the ancient history of the place but with an editorial line now different from that which has prevailed over the past fifteen years. We have all this time valued the toro, the minority encastes with the desire to favor the first tercio, the pike as a major viaticum. It was a legit story. Certainly. A presupposition. The experience, however, was far from being certified and efficient in spite of the passions and the good will. The arena emptied both of its audience, which was sinking into neurasthenic boredom, apart from the cohort of devotees, and just as much of its substance. By privileging all this time the toro-novillo and the particular tastes of the organization we have sacrificed those called to tore. The bullfighting quality of this generation of young people invited to Parentis during these years was often inversely proportional to the difficulties they faced on the track. The Sent Bertomiou has changed its bullfighting course. So as not to lose the compass. From the past torista gesture claimed as such, the plaza du Born now wants to focus on the balance between bullfighters and ganado so that everyone finds their account. Starting with those who pay and support bullfighting, the public. Parentis will give itself a third novillada in October with the ganaderia of Los Maños which had been particularly succulent last fall at the same place. Like a transition between the old and the new regime. Los Maños, initiated the breeding of Aragon in Parentis by the old organization, extended by the new makers. There are constants in bullfighting land.
– dad