We visit L‘Perigord facsimile workshop (AFSP) in Montignac. With the manager of this workshop specializing in copies of the Lascaux cave, we discuss the protocol for moving the nomadic exhibition “Lascaux III” which has been in Liège since last week. Many parameters must be taken into account to create its facsimiles which must withstand the passage of many visitors and the vagaries of the weather. We also have to think about transport issues, as is the case for the nomadic exhibition, Lascaux III, which the team has just finalized and which was shipped in containers to Belgium. Francis Ringenbach evokes for France bleu Périgord, the temperature variations and the numerous data to be integrated for the transport and conservation of facsimiles.
– Photo: Marlène Laroche
The workshop’s copyists work to reproduce the accuracy of the drawings, but also study colors, tints and textures. Long-term work to reproduce identically the famous Lascaux cave. Thanks to numerous tests (at extreme temperatures) the team elaborate the different parts which will constitute the whole of the copied work. The materials that make up the wall are put in the fridge (freezer), all these steps allow the structure to withstand the many climatic and temporal hazards imposed by their exposure to the public. The designs on the walls are made with techniques that try to provide high resistance over time, in the long term, it benefits from the unique know-how of a team lapped in copies of decorated caves.
– Photo: Marlène Laroche