The papal visit will be shown in Guzzo cinemas

The 143 Guzzo theaters in the greater Montreal area will be “made available” during the visit of Pope Francis to Quebec on July 28.

The sovereign pontiff will then be passing through the capital and will celebrate a mass at 10 a.m. at the Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré basilica. Tickets to attend on site quickly sold out, but the 10 Guzzo complexes in the metropolis will offer those who wish the possibility of watching the ceremony on the big screen for free.

“Voluntary donations” will however be accepted, the company said in a press release. These will be collected “under the guidance” of the M Arthur Deschênes – whose mission is not specified – and will be “handed over entirely to the fundraising campaign for the papal visit”, it is said.

“We all need to do our part to find a path to reconciliation [avec les Autochtones]and I wanted to offer my contribution, ”notes the CEO of the company, Vincent Guzzo, in the document.

The Pope’s visit is part of an attempt at dialogue between the Catholic Church and the First Peoples who were victims of colonization and residential schools for Aboriginals. The Holy Father will be in Canada from July 24 to 29 and will pass through Edmonton, Quebec and Iqaliuit.

Otherwise, The duty revealed on Tuesday that fraudulent tickets, sometimes costing as much as $285, had been put up for sale for a supposed visit by the pope to Beauport Bay; this event is actually non-existent.

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