Even if his friend was not “fond of the honors of the Republic”, Henri Leclerc believes that Robert Badinter’s entry into the Pantheon would be symbolically “important” at a time when “the values he embodied are deteriorating”.
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“I am happy that it is a unanimous tribute”reacted Wednesday February 14 on franceinfo the lawyer Henri Leclerc, honorary president of the Human Rights League, a few minutes after the national tribute paid to Robert Badinter during which, Emmanuel Macron declared that his name “must register in the Pantheon”.
“It’s extraordinary because today we are reunited” around “he who was the defender of what he considered most important, that is to say the first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Declaration of the Rights of Man as a whole “, declared the man who shared half a century of friendship with his friend and colleague Robert Badinter. A ceremony he found “moving”.
“I don’t hear criticism. I hear a bunch of men gathered together who think that what Robert Badinter wore is necessary.”
Henri Leclerc, honorary president of the Human Rights Leagueat franceinfo
“There is something here that the death of Robert Badinter allows us to recall”, he continued, when “freedoms are threatened” and “the world is threatened by tyrannies”. “More than ever today, where these values that he embodied are deteriorating a little, it is important that there is this moment of contemplation”, he added. The 89-year-old lawyer also agreed that Robert Badinter’s entry into the Pantheon was “important”, “sign of national unity around the values he carried”, although the former Minister of Justice “did not aspire to this honor” not being “not at all fond of the honors of the Republic”he assured.