The pandemic and education | The duty

Today we are reaping what we sowed during the pandemic. Lockdowns, distance learning and school closures have led not only to a decline in the quality of French, but also to an increased percentage of failures. As reported The Press, in Montreal, only 59.1% of students at the Center de services scolaire Marguerite-Bourgeoys obtained a passing grade. This rate was 72.9% three years earlier.

Recently, during an interview granted by the Prime Minister to Patrice Roy on Radio-Canada, Mr. Legault boasted of having begun the construction of so-called new generation schools. But are we going to forget that, in the past, the Ministry of Education had the objective of ensuring that 85% of schools were in satisfactory condition and that, despite the fact that the CAQ lowered this target to 50%, didn’t she make it either? It is not normal that more than half of the schools in Quebec were dilapidated and unsanitary. How could we expect our young people to want to learn and grow by being intellectually enriched when they study in poor quality institutions?

Moreover, in this same report, a teacher said that the material in her class was damaged by urine and mouse feces and that a student with an autism spectrum disorder had consumed one of these substances. .

During the CAQ’s first mandate, the former Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, succeeded in setting up four-year-old kindergartens, which will promote educational success from early childhood. For this second term, there is a lot of work to do, but let’s give the runner, Mr. Drainville, a chance.

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