the pain of the relatives of the agents killed during Mohamed Amra’s escape, while the investigation continues



Video length: 4 min

Escape of Mohamed Amra: the investigation continues
Mohamed Amra escaped from a prison van on May 14. Two officers died in the attack and three others were injured. The fugitive is still being sought.
(France 2)

Mohamed Amra escaped from a prison van on May 14. Two officers died in the attack and three others were injured. The fugitive is still being sought.

On May 14, at the Incarville tollbooth (Eure), a commando armed with assault rifles attacked a prison van and exfiltrated the inmate. During the operation, three agents were injured and two others were killed: Fabrice Moello and Arnaud Garcia. At the time of the attack, Arnaud’s wife Mary was three months pregnant. Since the tragedy, Dominique Garcia, Arnaud’s father, visits his daughter-in-law every day. “I can say that I am trying to live”confides Mary Garcia, wife of Arnaud Garcia.

Mohamed Amra was the detainee who escaped that day. He has around fifteen convictions to his credit, mainly for theft. At 30, he has already spent five years in detention. “This individual moved up the scale of crime, inside his cell”explains Frédéric Ploquin, journalist specializing in organized crime. On the day of his escape, he did not benefit from a reinforced escort.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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