the PAF doctor, his wife and children threatened with death

This October 15, 2023, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed, who we usually follow on social networks for health and nutrition advice, shared a call for donations which caused controversy. While the conflict in the Middle East resumed on October 7, after an unprecedented attack by Hamas on the south of Israel, and the Israeli army is currently leading a response on the Gaza Strip, in particular, the star of paf relegated a Doctors Without Borders video which got him into big trouble…

“I am as sad when an Israeli is killed as when a Palestinian is killed”

Its general director, Claire Magone, describes in Gaza “a dramatic situation” and asks “to the Israeli authorities to organize and maintain truly safe areas where the population is spared from bombs” as well as a “escape route so that people seeking to flee can do so”. A message shared on social networks which sowed discord.

And while Jimmy Mohamed was moved: “I have no words… no more painkillers, patients screaming in pain, no more access to drinking water…” he also opined: “Any words on social media right now are inaudible. I am as sad when an Israeli is killed as when it is a Palestinian, an Armenian, a Ukrainian etc. A life is a life and we will not be able to bring any of the dead back to life, unfortunately. This account where I share medical advice with you is not intended to be political.”

And added: “I have the feeling that we are being asked to take a position between Israeli civilians and Palestinian civilians, forgetting that there is only one side: that of humanity. So no I do not condone Israeli deaths and no I do not condone Palestinian deaths. Having to write it seems totally surreal to me because it seems so obvious. The NGOs’ call is a call for an end to the escalation of violence and deaths. So yes, as a doctor I am for this to stop.”

“Death threats”

A nuanced warning which was not enough to calm the fury… And this October 15, Jimmy Mohamed therefore reported that he was now receiving “death threats against his family, his children and his wife”. “This goes too far” warned the doctor, recalling “All this for having relayed an appeal from an NGO asking for peace.”

In fact, he who “take your time to inform here” decreed: “I am blocking access to messages and there will be no more posts for a while.”


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