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To get through the energy crisis, the government is counting on its sobriety plan. Overview of the main measures envisaged, Wednesday 5 October.
This is the great return of the waste hunt. In its energy sobriety plan, the government wanted to take care of daily life with a measure to encourage the French to consume less fuel. It could be a bonus of 100 euros from the 1st January 2023 for each new registrant on a carpooling platform. This plan also concerns communities and their sports facilities in particular. A single watchword: lower the temperature by 2°C in gymnasiums and by 1°C in swimming pools.
In the stadiums, the federations will reduce lighting times by 50% before and after matches, and by 30% in the evening. L’State does not forget to apply its plan to itself and therefore to the public service. The telework allowance will thus be increased from 2.50 euros to 2.88 euros per day for civil servants. In addition, hot water will no longer be mandatory, with the exception of showers, in public buildings.