The other school year | Le Devoir

At the CSSDM, another school year is starting these days: that of adult education (EDA).

Hundreds of adult students are thus heading to school with various goals, including finishing high school (academic sector—FGA), developing skills to integrate into the job market (socio-professional integration sector—ISP), learning French (francization sector) or increasing their general autonomy to overcome various types of difficulties, including intellectual disabilities (social integration sector—IS). These are essential school services to promote better participation in society by adults who are often in precarious positions, due to, among other things, learning difficulties, a disability, a mental health problem or recent immigration.

Following this observation, it is surprising that media attention is little focused on the challenges of the EDA, just as the official speeches of the government and public administration or even the union priorities are.

However, there is no shortage of challenges at the EDA!

Let us think, among other things, of the francisation sector which has just suffered significant budget cuts even though the needs are great.

Let us also think about the new curriculum that will begin to be taught this year in the IS sector without budgets being allocated to its implementation. Let us also think about the new collective agreements that hardly bring about any improvements in the working conditions of EDA teachers (particularly regarding student ratios) or the difficulties in recruiting professionals (such as speech therapists, whom the network desperately needs).

And what about pedagogy? The following comparison speaks for itself: the EDA school calendar includes less than half of the pedagogical days of the youth sector (8 compared to 20)… Of course, the youth sector (primary and secondary) is a priority, but let us not forget, collectively, the EDA, which offers school services to people who make efforts to improve their participation in Quebec society. And what they have to offer, we will all benefit from.

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