“The other buffoon”: Franck Dubosc seriously scrambled with a star of French cinema, whom he upset …

On the poster of Griddle this Wednesday, Franck Dubosc finds a role he knows well: that of the holidaymaker, who leaves to have fun and rest with his group of friends. Sequel to the movie Barbecuethe feature film features the actor of Camping in the company of Jérôme Commandeur, Lambert Wilson and Guillaume de Tonquédec. But not Gérard Darmon and so much the better: given their latest statements, the two actors do not seem ready to go on vacation together !

The one who launched the hostilities is, moreover, the actor popularized by The City of Fear Where Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, few years ago. Invited to the Grandes Gueules program on RMC radio, the actor was asked about the Yellow Vests movement, which he supported at the time. “It’s an institutional movement, how can you be insensitive to that?“, he had launched, before severely tackling his colleague.

I am one of the privileged I’m not going to take up the speech of the other buffoon who was once for the ‘Yellow Vests’ and then againstyou see who I’m referring to“, he had asserted, referring to Franck Dubosc’s reversal of position on the subject. “He had to wake up, well whatever, I’m not going to comment, it belongs to him and everyone has their own way of defining themselves”he concluded, apparently very upset.

A rant that actually referred to a falling out after the film Everybody stand up, directed by Franck Dubosc and boxed in theaters. At the time, in fact, he had asked Gérard Darmon to come and play in the film but had to cut his scene, a gesture which does not seem to have been forgiven.

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