It may seem surprising, but Elizabeth-Ann Doyle had Habitations Jeanne-Mance in mind at the very beginning of MU, in 2007.
She saw what had been done in Lyon, at the Cité Tony Garnier, this immense social housing complex where murals were painted and which has since been designated as an “urban museum”.
It was running through his head.
She therefore contacted the management of the Montreal HLM who, initially, refused the collaboration. We saw no point in adding graffiti to a space where there was already too much. The complex then lived with significant security issues, it was the priority of the administration, says the director of MU.

It’s worth taking the time when visiting Habitations Jeanne-Mance to hunt for wall works, to appreciate all the details. Here, an overview of The spirit of the timesby Phillip Adams.
But it was also the beginning of the blossoming of the Quartier des spectacles.
And Habitations Jeanne-Mance are located between the two centers of activity, rue Ontario, between Saint-Denis and Saint-Laurent.
What certainly helped to shake things up was this 50e anniversary of the complex, celebrated in 2008, which led to the renovation of all the accommodations and the redevelopment of all the spaces.
If you knew Habitations Jeanne-Mance in the 1980s and 1990s and haven’t been back since, you won’t recognize the place.
What is Habitations Jeanne-Mance?
The Corporation d’Habitation Jeanne-Mance was incorporated in 1958. The City of Montreal and the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) are both owners. There are 800 homes in 28 buildings, including 5 towers.
Around 1700 tenants live there; they come from 70 nationalities – more or less 29% come from Bangladesh. Half of the residents are over 55 years old.
What is MU?

Elizabeth-Ann Doyle and Emmanuelle Hébert, co-founders of the MU organization
Artistic organization specializing in mural art founded in Montreal in 2007 by Elizabeth-Ann Doyle and Emmanuelle Hébert.
MU has been behind 200 murals since its creation, of all sizes, including the iconic Tower of Songsportrait of Leonard Cohen in downtown Montreal, and the work tribute to Françoise Sullivan, Checkered 2023which is located on the entire facade of a hotel on Place Dupuis.
Many works are also found in schools.
MU also offers workshops and educational services.