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The film “The Origin of Evil”, directed by Sébastien Marnier, will be released in cinemas on Wednesday 5 October. It’s a poisonous French thriller set in a luxurious seaside villa where a strange bourgeois family lives.
The origin of evil is a French thriller directed by Sébastien Marnier which will be released in theaters on Wednesday 5 October. It tells the story of an old man, played by Jacques Weber, who finds his illegitimate daughter on the island of Porquerolles (var). He introduced her to his large baroque villa, to his family. This diminished old man evolves among women united by their hatred of the patriarch. “It has a great vintage Chabrol side, or even Hitchcock”assures Jacques Weber, actor.
It’s Laura Calamyalias Stéphane, who will further disturb this already dysfunctional family. “We’re a bit like looking through a keyhole, that’s what’s quite enjoyable”explains the actress. Who lies in this eight-closed? The small worker, or the big bourgeois who reject her at first glance? “It’s both a thriller indeed a little oppressive and scary, a farce, a scathing comedy, a political film too”Explain the director Sebastian Marnier.