the organizers cancel their march against the health pass

The march against the health pass and the vaccination obligation scheduled for this Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. at Mont-Saint-Michel is “canceled”. In a statement relayed this Saturday at the end of the morning on social networks, one of the organizers explains that he did not “could not speak with an official of the prefecture this morning” and “given the risks run by the organizers (€ 7,500 in fines and imprisonment)”, the march is therefore canceled: “We will try to postpone the event soon. We will have tried to maintain it until the end”, add the organizers.

As of Friday morning, the prefect of La Manche had taken an order to prohibit this gathering. Among the reasons given by the authorities, the event declaration procedure has not been respected (at the latest, three days before the organization of the event). The representative of the State also highlights the “prevention of the risk of contamination by covid” at a time when the virus is spreading strongly in the English Channel. In addition, on the tourist site of Mont-Saint-Michel, “such a gathering of an unsupervised public would present certain risks, both health and public order, which cannot be envisaged in this acute context of health crisis”.

Opponents of the health pass maintain their rally this Sunday at 11 am in front of the town hall of Avranches.

source site-38