We meet Shreez, Tizzo, Le Ice and Moto at Club Soda, where they will be back on June 22 for a show as part of the Francos. Soft, Salgrimo, Peeda, YoAlain! and Chiko will join them to offer a performance that will undoubtedly be incandescent.
Although less frenetic than Heatwave vol. 1published almost five years ago, Boyzlaunched this Friday, has no shortage of pieces that we can already imagine causing uncontrollable movements of heads, arms and feet among the assembled listeners. Cross fingers, Quickly, Pilot, Price And Do Sum are among the 17 pieces that should cause this effect. The majority of them were created while the artists and their friends were together.
“There are songs we made with 15 people in the house! And by house, I mean condo, a 4 and a half”, indicates Shreez, who details the scene: “We say “Shh!” when you want to record. » “It’s summer, we turn off the AC so as not to make noise. Everyone is hot,” adds Moto. “But they understand because they know what we do and they appreciate it,” adds Le Ice.
Canicule was able to do this thanks to a “mobile studio”, the rappers respond in unison.
We are more free with the home studio. We made songs at his place, at mine, at Tizzo’s, in Airbnbs. Even when traveling, we bring it. Anytime, if someone has something to say, they can say it. If the song speaks to them, they listen to it. That’s how we made the whole album.
Thus, 11 titles on Boyz have more than two MCs. The variety of voices and cadences is one of the strengths of the work, almost entirely produced – brilliantly – by Alain. “He is the conductor,” says Shreez. He’s the one who decides how it happens and who records us. I call him Maestro! » Razor composed two beatsincluding the captivating Riskwhich stands out for its catchy chorus and the sequence of five verses.
Give to “everyone”
Despite the spontaneity of its recording, Boyz is a structured album that Canicule does not hesitate to describe as “more mature”. The fact remains that street stories, illicit cooking techniques and the benefits of success are always told frankly, which should reassure purists.
For those who might be shocked by these themes and the terms used to depict them, Le Ice suggests being “open-minded.” Shreez offers a more practical response: “If it’s too crude, you move on to the next song. » “There are plenty of songs without bad words: Easy, In the air, Congress Palace. We have fans who like it when it’s really dirty, raw, and there are some who like it softer. We give to everyone. I pay attention, because my 7 year old son knows all the songs by heart. When there is a song that is too vulgar, he says “no, not that one”. »
The years have actually allowed us to gain maturity. And, almost five years after the SOCAN Song of the Year Award for We whip, by Tizzo, Shreez and Soft, Canicule considers itself to be on “the right path”. “It opened doors for us for real, we continue to use it,” admits Shreez. Tizzo takes advantage of the moment to confide that he no longer knows where the big cardboard check that he was given is. Shreez assures him that he is at a friend’s house and Moto confirms that he is still in good condition, despite the moves.
Chaotic, but organized, thanks to a deep friendship.
At Club Soda, June 22
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Heat wave
7th Heaven Discs