While some municipalities including those of Strasbourg or Lyon prohibit foie gras in their receptions. In Gueberschwihr, near Colmar, Marcel Metzler, producer of goose foie gras board for almost four years on his foie gras without force-feeding. The file is in the process of having the green light from the Ministry of Agriculture.
Preserving animal welfare with feeding
His method guarantees animal welfare and it is in the era of time. The animal is not force-fed, but it feeds on its own with organic food. You should know that the goose eats six to eight times a day. It is the technique of feeding as our ancestors did.
– Guillaume Chhum
_ “It is feeding in a context of force-feeding since it is a mandatory term in the appellation foie gras. We are in the interpretation, we let our geese gorge themselves, but we do not force-feed them like the traditional method , “_ explains Marcel Metzler.
A long and tiresome fight
Every fortnight, Marcel Metzler reminds the Ministry of Agriculture on the progress of his file. He hopes that everything will be completed this time around by February 2021. This is what he was already announcing to us in December 2020.
But apparently the ministry is increasingly sensitive to animal welfare. The objective would be to be able to market this goose foie gras fairly quickly. “It will be in small artisanal quantities and not in industrial quantities,” assures the producer. There are many requests already.