The president of the order, François Arnault, self-criticized his institution in the columns of “Ouest-France”.
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Can do better. The president of the Order of Physicians, François Arnault, recognizes that the organization has in an interview published Monday May 27 by the daily West France. “There are delistings, sanctions, bans on exercise”, he emphasizes. But “the figures are insufficient, that is indisputable. We are not doing everything good, he admits. “In the general context of awareness, the Order has an essential role to play in moralizing and normalizing the medical profession.”.
The testimony of infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe, who accuses emergency media specialist Patrick Peloux of “sexual and moral harassment”, has triggered a wave of testimonies on social networks in recent weeks, notably under the hashtag #MeTooHopital.
“What was accepted by the entire hospital system as being in the nature of things now appears to be a state of fact and thought that is completely unacceptable”notes François Arnault in the interview with Ouest-France. “I welcome this awareness because it is essential”. At his request, the Order will carry out a professional investigation among doctors into the violence suffered or observed. The results will be known in October, he announced.