The Order of Physicians “blames” Professor Didier Raoult

He had been summoned on November 5 by the‘New Aquitaine Order of Physicians.

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The New Aquitaine Order of Physicians “blames” Professor Didier Raoult. The director of the IHU of Marseille, was sanctioned, Friday, December 3, after the filing of two complaints, by his peers, at the end of 2020. The body published this sanction, the second in importance after the simple warning, without the ” match the reasons for this decision against the 69-year-old Marseille infectious disease specialist.

In the fall of 2020, the departmental council of the Order of Physicians of Bouches-du-Rhône initiated proceedings against the professor, who heads the Mediterranean Infection Hospital-University Institute (IHU) in Marseille. He criticized him for several breaches of the Code of Ethics related in particular to the promotion of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment against Covid-19, despite the lack of proven effect even today.

The case had been disoriented in Bordeaux for breaches of the Code of ethics of doctors. This chamber could decide on sanctions against the Marseille infectious disease specialist ranging from a simple warning to radiation. Several studies carried out by the IHU to support the interest of this treatment have been criticized by many scientists for their methodology and their conditions of realization.

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