the ordeal of women under the Taliban regime



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With the obligation of wearing the full veil for Afghan women, the Taliban are returning to their firmest doctrine. Khattar Abou Diab, political scientist and researcher in geopolitics, evokes “a flashback“.

About the Taliban, Khattar Abou Diab, political scientist and geopolitical researcher, believes that “the regime reveals its true face“.”What is extraordinary is that during all the negotiations for the American withdrawal or for humanitarian aid, no thought was given to placing conditions concerning the daily lives of women. […]. There is an anti-feminine work, it is the return of the infamous. And it’s a strategic failure for the United States, after so much investment there“, deplore Khattar Abu Diab on franceinfo.

Asked why Taliban policies oppress women so much, the researcher explains that they justify it with “their tradition“.”But this is not true. It may be a rigorous interpretation of a small minority, but if we see the Afghan plurality, in the multiple Afghan regions, [alors] it is a diktat of this fundamentalist group which wants to impose its reading of the Sharia, of Muslim law, according to its interests“, he analyzes.

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