The ordeal of coming out in 2022

In the next film in the Scooby-Doo series, nerd Vera Dinkley comes out. A small revolution for the animation industry, proof that revealing one’s sexual orientation is not yet entirely self-evident

Whether you’re a teenager or older, whether it’s to your parents, friends or at the office, coming out is often an important moment, sometimes delicate, always symbolic, with more or less serious consequences, depending on your story and her entourage.

But is coming out a must? Should I take any precautions before doing this? In case of difficulties, who to turn to for listening and appropriate help?

On the occasion of international coming out dayOctober 11, Geraldine Mayr receives Veronica Noseda. A feminist and lesbian activist, she is a member of Degummers, a football team made up of lesbians and trans people. She tells us about her journey and the difficulties that still exist today for homosexuals to live their sexual orientation openly.

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