the opponents settle near the site of the mega-basin



France 3

Article written by

France 3 Poitou-Charentes, T. Cuny, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

After a weekend of protest against the construction project of a mega-basin in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), the opponents settled on a surrounding field. 1,000 gendarmes are still on site.

Wooden barricades and watchtowers of several meters are built in Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), Monday, October 31. The camp of the demonstrators against the project of construction of a mega-basin seems to become a zone to be defended (ZAD). They are opposed to this system of water retention intended to irrigate the surrounding fields in times of drought. “They say that irrigation is necessary, but not just any irrigation, not anyhow. It must be discussed with all the farmers, the people of the territory because there is also water to be shared”says an opponent.

On Saturday October 29 and Sunday October 30, thousands of people gathered near the construction site in the face of 1,500 gendarmes. Clashes broke out. These incidents were condemned by the Minister of the Interior, who specified that extra-left activists with S files were among the opponents. Gérald Darmanin qualified them “eco-terrorists”. “Defending the environment is not hurting anyone. It’s just wanting the good for the planet and for everyone”, justifies a protester. 1,000 gendarmes will remain present for as long as necessary. No evacuation of the occupied site has been ordered for the time being.

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