the Opéra du Rhin places the fight for the environment and against oppression within the reach of children

Discovering and enjoying an opera is not just for adults. Since February 27, and until March 19, 2022, the Opéra National du Rhin offers in several cities, Strasbourg, Mulhouse and Colmar, a play for children : Moon Dreamers.

Led by Music Director Howard Moody, The Dreamers of the Moon tells the story of the “Lake of Dreams”, drained by birds to build a city there, causing misfortune and a chain disaster. The fable is freely inspired by The Bird Conference, by the Persian poet Farid al-Din Attar. It recounts, like a dreamlike book, the internal wars that birds fight to gain power over their fellow creatures.

For the occasion, the opera brings together a hundred children: middle school students from Meinau, hearing-impaired children from the Bruckhof Institute in Strasbourg and young recruits from the Masters of the Strasbourg Conservatory, around four soloists.

The Dreamers of the Mooncollaborative opera, is the‘opportunity for for all to become familiar with the lyrical repertoire. Through its history, this children’s opera also touches on general themes. But also political: war, the exploitation of resources, the environment, immigration, imperialism… Hot topics that stimulate everyone’s thoughts.

Buthe performance is intended to be accessible to all audiences from the age of 5. “There is an idea that the very young generations address themselves a little, with a series of reproaches, to an older generation”, confesses Sandra Pocceshi, for the webmagazine “Szenik”. There is a need to dream the world of tomorrow and to collectively dream of a better future“.

“Dreamers of the Moon”. Direction and sets: Sandra Pocceschi and Giacomo Strada. Musical direction by Howard Moody.

– From February 27 to March 4, 2022 at the City of Music and Dance – Strasbourg

– March 11, 2022 at the Théâtre de la Sinne – Mulhouse

– From March 18 to 19, 2022 at the Municipal Theater of Colmar.

More information on the opera website.

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