The opening of the archives of the Algerian war, 800 million euros of anti-pesticide plan evaporated in nature and Miss France resists #MeToo

For “to look the truth in the face”, the Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot announced Friday, December 10 the opening of the judicial archives of the Algerian war, 15 years before the theoretical date of declassification of these documents of police and gendarmerie investigations of the time. Emmanuel Macron is the first President of the French Republic born after the end of this conflict, and this opening of the archives continues its series of gestures towards Algeria for, in his words, “reconcile memories” between French and Algerians, around this war which led to the independence of Algeria.

But beyond diplomacy, this decision has a real impact for a number of French people whose parents or grandparents were killed or disappeared during this war, and who do not have today all the elements for establish what happened. Kader Abderrahim, lecturer at Sciences Po and author of Geopolitics of Algeria published by Bibliomonde, also underlines that France has every interest in restoring the truth about what happened in Algeria, to move forward in its relations with Algiers.

“Le Quart d’Heure” also tells you a story worthy of a conjuring trick: en 2008, during the Grenelle de l’Environnement, France released 800 million euros for an anti-pesticide plan. Objective: to reduce their use by half in 10 years. Result: it has since increased by 15%. So what happened with all this money? This is the subject of the investigation revealed to us by Anne-Laure Barral, journalist with the investigation unit of Radio France.

And then, have you planned to watch Miss France 2022 on Saturday night? This new edition will undoubtedly be a hit with audiences, the previous one had gathered 8.6 million viewers, unheard of since 2006. Yet, Miss France has never been so criticized. Competition “sexist”, “degrading”, “cheesy”, he is even targeted by a complaint to the industrial tribunal of the association “Dare feminism”. Miss France, a pleasure that has become guilty?

Guests: Anne-Laure Barral, journalist at the Investigation Unit of Radio France, and Kader Abdelrrahim, researcher at Sciences Po specializing in Algeria

Find “Le Quart d’Heure” from Monday to Friday on franceinfo, on the application Radio France and all other podcast apps (Spotify, Apple podcasts, Podcast Addict, Deezer …).

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