“The only vote that avoids chaos is that of the central bloc,” says the Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautrin

Invited on Saturday June 22 by BFMTV, the Minister of Labor, Catherine Vautrin, judged that it “it is absolutely not essential, far from it, that the President of the Republic resigns” in the event of a failure of the presidential camp in the legislative elections of April 30 and July 7. “On the contrary, it allows us to maintain the stability of our institutions“, she insisted, calling for support for candidates who claim to be in the majority. “The only vote that avoids chaos is that of the central bloc,” she assured. Follow our live stream.

In the case of triangulars, “no vote must go to the extreme right”, declares Manon Aubry. “In terms of political slogan, I cannot be clearer than that, everything will have to be done to defeat the National Rally,” declared La France insoumise MEP Manon Aubry, guest of BFMTV. In the event of a triangular outcome at the end of the first round of the legislative elections, it will be necessary “do everything to ensure that [le RN] be beaten” in the second round, she continued. Asked about the accusations of anti-Semitism which have targeted LFI since the European campaign, the elected official recalled that “the only ones who have been condemned for anti-Semitic and racist acts are the extreme right.” “There are enough anti-Semites in our country to invent them where there are none”she again defended.

Marine Tondelier criticizes the “deleterious” strategy of the presidential camp. “The Macronists lost their compass a long time ago,” denounced the national secretary of the Ecologists on Saturday on France Inter. While Emmanuel Macron once again put the National Rally and the New Popular Front back to back during a speech at the Elysée, the left-wing politician believes that his camp “made himself the stepping stone of the extreme right”.

“What a shame!”, reacts Aurore Lalucq to Emmanuel Macron’s comments. “From someone who was elected twice with the votes of the left to block the far right, his behavior is neither dignified nor responsible”castigated the MEP for Place publique, invited on the Franceinfo set, Saturday morning. Yesterday I saw an Emmanuel Macron who was boasting while the country is in the process of burn,” she addeddenouncing the “poker move” of the President of the Republic to call new legislative elections.

MEP Nicolas Bay calls for a “national recovery government”. Excluded by Eric Zemmour’s party, the former member of the RN therefore calls for “support the candidates of the national union, behind the National Rally and the Republicans who followed Eric Ciotti”. Nicolas Bay assures that he has not joined Marine Le Pen’s party again and “assume” the economic and societal differences with his former training.

Free transport to vote in Occitania. Regional trains and buses will be free throughout the Occitanie region for the first and second round of the legislative elections, provided you go to your polling station, announced the region administered by socialist Carole Delga. This measure during the weekends of June 30 and July 7 is conditional on fairly light supporting documents concerning the coach, but more restrictive for the trains.

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