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After weeks of bombardments, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was able to begin its mission concerning the nuclear power plant of Zaporizhia. Maryse Burgot was live to take stock, Friday, September 2.
The mission of the international atomic energy agency (IAEA) was able to begin its mission concerning the nuclear power plant of Zaporizhia. According to the chief of the UN gendarmes, “the territorial integrity of the nuclear power plant has been violated”. “Our journalists on site yesterday, alongside these experts, and they saw, for example, damaged water pipes and they also saw a missile stuck in the ground a few hundred meters from the reactors of the nuclear power plant “reports Maryse Burgotlive, Friday, September 2.
Part of the delegation is still there and will return on Saturday 3 September. “The Kremlin, the Russians, say they are very satisfied with this visit, which is not at all the case with the Ukrainians. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky regrets that the experts did not ask that this area, this territory around the nuclear power plant, not be completely demilitarized”explains the journalist.