The one who goes after her dreams

This text is part of the special issue of Relève en recherche

Breaking into the construction world as a woman can be a challenge in itself. Doing so by combining doctoral studies, social commitments and the role of mother of three children is what Nawel Lafioune, named Woman of Distinction 2022 by the Women’s Y Foundation, in the Education and Information category, is achieving.

“When I was told that I had been nominated for this award, I thought it was a joke, says Nawel Lafioune on the phone, laughing heartily. In my eyes, I do nothing in particular. I’m just chasing my dreams. »

However. Her career and the many hats she wears simultaneously are inspiring, according to Y des femmes, who speaks of the winner as “a model for women active in the business community and in predominantly male circles”.

From Algeria to Montreal

Originally from Algeria, she studied architecture there. “When I started working, I realized I was more into architecture! she laughs. We did not realize the beautiful and big projects that we had studied. »

She therefore decides to create her own company in Algeria. Although the world of construction was very difficult there, and even more so for a woman, she rushed through and succeeded in finding her place. But overnight, she loses everything. “I woke up one morning as usual, and was about to leave the house when I saw several police cars approaching. They asked us to leave and they demolished our house and that of our neighbours, without notice, and left. Being in the field of construction, I understood nothing at all. I knew that I had all the official papers of my house. »

She will understand later that it was a government decision, in order to build a parking lot there. “I had bought this house with all my savings… I told my husband that we had nothing to lose, that we were going on an adventure. »

After receiving three positive responses to their immigration applications, they chose Montreal and landed there in 2013 with their first daughter. “We really started from zero here, recalls Nawel, who knew nothing and no one, and whose husband did not speak French at the time. We had nothing, we even ate from plastic dishes! »

Nawel quickly understands that the profession of architect is different in Quebec. She then decided to return to school, this time in construction engineering at the École de technologie supérieure (ETS). After obtaining her Masters in Urban Infrastructure Management in 2018, she is currently pursuing her doctoral studies while working in the Innovative Service Delivery Strategies section of Public Services and Procurement Canada.

“I am very interested in the contribution of technologies to the management of assets built and to be built”, explains the doctoral student. The research subject of his thesis focuses on the development of digital twins of cities. Principle widely used to develop smart cities, these digital twins, created from the modeling of construction project data (BIM), make it possible to create a virtual replica of a city and to carry out project simulations there, for example. , or to test the impact of certain decisions or work sequences when carrying out major infrastructure projects.

“In Quebec, people are really specialized,” notes Lafioun. Even if we are the best in our field of expertise, how do we properly prioritize projects when there are several construction projects to be carried out at the same time? Digital twins make it possible, among other things, to have a global vision to manage everything well. »

Woman and mother, committed and active

In addition to her studies and her job, Nawel is involved in several networks and events, including the Quebec Business Women’s Network (RFAQ), Building Smart Canada, the Center for Expertise and Research in Urban Infrastructure (CERIU), the Association québécoise des transports (AQTR), or the Groupe BIM du Québec. She was also an ambassador for the FEMMES 4.0 collective and sits on the ISO 55000 committee. In addition, she collaborates on various projects to support the construction industry in a digital transformation process.

All this while being a mother of three children. “Everything I do, I do for my children,” she says. I want them to have good role models and to have access to the best schools, to be able to play sports, to fulfill themselves…”

As a woman who walks in a predominantly male environment, the one who will soon celebrate her 40th birthday encourages all women not to hesitate to take their place despite the challenges. “You have to work twice as hard as a woman,” she believes. And three times stronger if you are a veiled woman like me! But we must not give up and we must do what we love, no matter what it is, whether we are a woman or a man. »

Mme Lafioune was very touched by the stories of women told to her at the Women’s Y when she met the team as part of the award she will receive on October 27: “When I saw women give up after having experienced so much, I wanted to tell them not to be discouraged, to always look further ahead. It’s so normal to be tired, to have trouble getting up. We have to roll up our sleeves, hold on and help each other in a network, and never stop chasing our dreams. »

This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the To have to, pertaining to marketing. The drafting of To have to did not take part.

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