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In the United States, the Omicron variant holds the reins of the end of the year 2021. It represents, Tuesday, December 21, 73% of Covid-19 contaminations. In New York City, endless lines are forming to get vaccinated, and entertainment venues have already closed.
Across the United States, tens of thousands of Americans are flocking to testing centers. In Washington, some are willing to wait more than an hour to be tested. “It’s been a while since the queue was so long”, testifies a man. The Omicron variant is now believed to be responsible for seven out of ten Covid-19 cases in the country. The wave is such that it upsets the end of the year for Americans. The hockey league, the NHL, has brought forward its Christmas break because too many players are sick.
In New York, around fifty restaurants have had to close for lack of personnel, and theaters have canceled their performances. The mayor of the city, Bill de Blasio, has just promised 100 dollars to each inhabitant who will take his booster dose before December 31. “Vaccination is freedom”, he hammered. In Boston, vaccination is mandatory for city officials. Vaccination incentives were to be at the heart of President Joe Biden’s speech on the evening of Tuesday, December 21. It is also expected to announce the distribution of 50 million free self-tests.