The Olympic Stadium tower at full capacity for the first time

Used to house local businesses, the Olympic Park tower is full for the first time in its history, the Olympic Park Development and Enhancement Company confirmed in a press release on Monday.

The human resources management company SIGMA-RH, which had already occupied floors 10 and 11 of the building since April 2021, has chosen to increase its presence by renting the last three free floors of the mast (12,13 and 14 ) for a period of 13 years. The taking possession of the new floors is scheduled for January 2023.

“We are obviously happy with this expansion and above all very proud to be able to continue to offer our current and future staff members such a unique and stimulating work environment,” said SIGMA-RH Solutions President Patrice Pear tree.

Already, since 2018, Desjardins/Accès D have established their offices on floors 1 to 7 of the tower for the next fifteen years, and in the fall of 2021, the company made the decision to also rent floors 8 and 9 .

With the acquisition by the human resources firm, more than 2,000 employees will occupy these offices in eastern Montreal.

“Employees who come to work daily make the Park livelier than ever. La Tour de Montréal, 100% occupied, is symbolic in our 46-year history. The world of work is changing. The pandemic has upset the habits of the autowork-sleeping paradigm. Employers need to make their workplace more pleasant, collaborative and friendly. Employees must feel like coming to meet and find their colleagues to discuss, exchange and create,” said Olympic Park President and CEO Michel Labrecque.

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