From July 22 to August 11, the startup Wivy is organizing “Les Défis de Wivy” on the theme: Paris and sport. For three weeks, nursing homes and senior residences will participate in this great challenge.
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Wivy is a family startup specializing in gerontology animation, based in Lille. This summer for the Olympics, it is launching a major challenge from July 22 to August 11, to involve older people in the world sporting event that will take place in France.
Wivy designed Wivy’s Challengesvia its application dedicated to healthcare staff, with games on the theme of “Paris and sport”. The challenge is open to all EHPADs and retirement homes by registering on the startup’s website.
For three weeks, the nursing homes and senior residences that will participate in this great challenge will compete through four activities designed specifically for the elderly. A game based on clues and three quizzes to be done in a group activity. These games are open to all French and French-speaking retirement homes.
In mid-August, the results will be revealed to reward the three most successful residences in France. Accessible on phone, tablet and computer, this application already offers a lot of content: 450 games, lotteries, quizzes, crosswords, cultural games, memory workshops, musical activities and conferences. In addition, the facilitators have the possibility to create their own personalized games from the application.
“The challenge we have organized allows us to create a link with current events, strengthens self-image, promotes personal development and encourages expression and communication.”
Loic Fruleux, co-founder and director of Wivyto franceinfo
The site Tout pour les aidants, a platform dedicated to healthy aging, is organizing a unique event from July 26 to August 11: the “Senior Olympics”. A project designed to transform the spirit of the Olympic Games into an intergenerational adventure. This fun and dynamic initiative, accessible to all on social networks, will allow seniors, and their loved ones and caregivers, to participate in their own way in the Paris Olympic Games.
Every day during the Olympic Games, Tout pour les aidants and its partners will offer an online challenge via social networks.