the Olympic champion and brother of Laure Manaudou, in the cast of the new season of “Married at first sight”?

What if Married at First Sight included personalities in its cast? This is indeed the question that many fans are asking themselves at the moment. The reason ? The fact that Florent Manaudou appears in the M6 ​​reality TV trailer. If some are unaware of the concept of this program, it is a meeting between two people, in a town hall. These have never met and have never heard of one or the other. It is only in front of the mayor that they discover each other for the first time and decide whether or not they choose to continue the adventure together, after being united.

A few weeks after this union, the M6 ​​cameras follow the newlyweds during their honeymoon to find out if everything is going well between them. While a few couples have held on and are swimming happily as we write these lines, the majority have still been shattered. And no doubt we will still see all the colors from March 21, the day during which the channel will unveil the first episode of the new season.

So to make viewers wait, the group wanted to offer a teaser to its fans. To show them that a sports star is going to be on the show this year. But of course, the Olympic champion and brother of Laure Manaudou is not going to look for love. He was simply one of the guests of a groom, or a future bride. As a reminder, the sportsman makes perfect love with another sportswoman in his discipline. Danish swimmer Pernille Blume. Moreover, it was not in Grans that the athlete was able to attend the ceremony. Indeed, after several years of good and loyal service to the mayor of Grans, the production has decided to unite the couples in Gibraltar, on the British overseas territory.

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