The Old City of Maisonneuve classified as a heritage site | The Press

(Montreal) The Minister of Culture and Communications, Nathalie Roy, announced on Saturday the classification of the heritage site of the Ancienne-Cité-de-Maisonneuve under the Cultural Heritage Act.

Posted at 8:12

By this gesture, the government of Quebec wishes in particular to preserve the historical and architectural values ​​which characterize this heritage site located in the borough of Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, in Montreal, one indicates in a press release.

The town of Maisonneuve was founded in 1883. It was annexed in 1918 to the City of Montreal.

The heritage site includes the old town hall (now the Maisonneuve library), the old public market (now the Community, cultural, social and educational center of Maisonneuve), the old fire station (now the Center Nutrilait), Morgan Boulevard became Morgan Avenue and Morgan Park.

“The Old City of Maisonneuve is of unique heritage interest. There is no doubt that the historical and architectural values ​​of these assets, located in our metropolis, have contributed to forging the cultural identity of Montreal and Quebec,” declared Minister Nathalie Roy.

“The classification will contribute to the recognition and enhancement of all […] The heritage site of the Ancienne-Cité-de-Maisonneuve, 13 classified sites in the Montreal region, is an important historical witness for the city,” added her colleague Chantal Rouleau, Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal area.

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