the official trip of the king canceled


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

S. Perez, M. Septembre, M. Khiat, Y. Madec, J. Duboz, L. Soudre, D. Basier, T. Breton, L. Krikorian, P. Brame – France 2

France Televisions

In the context of current tension in France, the visit of King Charles III has been postponed. How was this decision made? Everything accelerated after a phone call between the Élysée and Buckingham Palace on Friday March 24.

Around the Arc de Triomphe, on the morning of March 24, the stands are almost up, the protocol ready to be applied. The workers are still working when the news breaks: Emmanuel Macron and Charles III have just spoken on the phone and have decided to cancel the visit 48 hours from its start.Common sense and friendship lead me to propose a postponement“, declared Emmanuel Macron. Between the new day of demonstrations announced on Tuesday March 28 and Paris overwhelmed with garbage cans, the visit was impossible.

Britons disappointed

The intelligence services were worried about the many trips planned for the program. For some French people, the reputation of the country takes a hit. The news surprised in Britain, even if the newspapers had been worried for several days about the violence on the sidelines of the demonstrations. Those most attached to the Franco-British relationship are disappointed.

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