The Cannes Film Festival has unveiled the official poster for its 76th edition. She stages the star Catherine Deneuve, to embody a “daring” cinema.
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For its 76th edition, which will take place from May 16 to 27, Cannes festival has chosen to pay tribute to a monument of French cinema: Catherine Deneuve. In black and white, the poster was produced by Hartland Villa (Lionel Avignon, Stefan de Vivies) from a photo of Jack Garofalo on the set of The chamadea film directed by Alain Cavalier.
Catherine Deneuve has a very long history with Cannes, where she notably served as vice-president of the jury with Clint Eastwood in 1994 and where she received a Palme d’honneur in 2005, three years before a special prize for her entire career. This year, his daughter, actress Chiara Mastroianni was also appointed mistress of ceremonies.
“A timeless poster”
“For more than 60 years, the biggest French star has never stopped filming, reinventing himself, experimenting, daring counter-employments or first films. An icon that never stood still and brings her art to life. Deneuve embodies in his own way the richness of the cinema that the Festival wants to defend: auteur films but also quality popular films“, can we read on the press release of the festival.
“The actress de Peau d’Âne is an incarnation of cinema, far from conventions and propriety. Uncompromising but always close to his convictions, even if it means going against the current of the times“, also indicates the press release. Against the current, in particular in 2018, during the MeToo movement, when she had signed a tribune on “the freedom to bother” appeared in Le Monde and which had caused an outcry.
Finally, the festival concludes with this idea of timeless cinema filled with hope: “It is this unspeakable magic that the 76th International Film Festival resonates with this timeless poster. To retell the glorious present of cinema and envision its future full of promise. Because Catherine Deneuve is what cinema should remember to be: elusive, audacious, irreverent. An evidence. A necessity.”